Realm of Robbie Williams

I think I am the biggest Robbie Williams fan in America. I have been a fan since 95 when he was in Take That. Granted I was like 11 at the time and didn't really know who he was - I remember thinking wow that guy in the bear coat is kinda cute. (aww wasn't that sweet?) Then he disapeared from my TV and my mind, then low and behold a friend of mine online had me go to Rob's official website and there he was and I was hooked again! I heard about 30 seconds of Angels and was in tears and an automatic Rob fan for life. I have been an addict since November of 98. I know that it may not seem like a long time but considering that his American debut CD, The Ego Has Landed, wasn't released until May, 9th 1999...I think I'm a bit ahead of the game.

The Advantages of Owning a Digital Piano: Electronic Pianos Vs. Real Pianos

In the eyes of highly conservative classical music enthusiasts, a digital piano is verging on sacrilegious. It must be said, the construction of a digital piano cannot compare with the workmanship involved in building a real piano. Moreover, the aesthetic appeal of a real piano is unmatchable and, perhaps more importantly, digital pianos cannot replicate the sound and dynamics of the real thing.

However, there are many advantages to owning an electronic piano and for some budding pianists the digital piano may be the best option. You can even play Robbie William’s songs on the digital piano like the tutorial below:

Practical Benefits

Technical Benefits

Of course, if money and space are no object, then the ideal is to have a beautiful real piano. However, this is not the case for the vast majority of people. Therefore, having access to an instrument is the important thing. For anybody who wants to own a piano, a digital model is a perfect alternative and, in some ways, an electronic piano has advantages over the real thing.

I now work for a company called MediaXS and we work for Capitol Records (Rob's American label) and Warner Brothers. So that means that I get to do online artist promotions for Robbie and a lot of other bands. Check out Mediaxs for more info.
I want to say thanks to all of my friends both on and offline for all of their help and patience while I either originally built my site or have rebuilt it. I love all of you guys and don't know what I would do with out you!
Now to the important stuff...CHECK OUT MY SITE Your Guide to the Realm Of Robbie Williams

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